C. Nelson Trimble
Certified Public Accountant
Professional Business Consultant
Nelson was instrumental in founding Free Indeed Therapy and its vision to provide cutting edge, evidence based mental health services and providing the next steps in mental health care practices today.
Nelson’s long list of accomplishments include being a certified public accountant (CPA) for over 30 years, serving as divisional CFO for a fortune 500 company, partner/owner in a business consulting firm and a successful entrepreneur. His common sense approaches along with motivational style has made him a favorite to work with.
Nelson desires to guide and mentor others in life strategy decisions, vocational and business consulting.
If you are looking for that exceptional individual who can offer guidance, support and strategy for your business, career direction, mental unblocking or life strategies, come have a seat with an inspiring view and let’s develop a plan to make your life and business more successful. Please give Nelson a call.